Space exploration is an awesome adventure and not everyone can enjoy it. Ventured as far as any human in outer space, the mystery has always accompanies and makes people increasingly feel small in this galaxy.
Nevertheless, the man managed to find 10 planets in the galaxy that have extreme and appalling conditions. If humans managed to get there, death lurked ready. Do not ever think to go there!
1. Carbon Planet
Elemental carbon usually only compose 0.1 percent of the total substance that meets the Earth. Therefore the material of carbon materials such as oil and diamonds are very few in number. But you know that near the center of this galaxy there is a planet whose composition more carbon than oxygen though. The planet is called carbon planet. Every morning the sky was so blue and bright, with a little yellow cloud. If explored a little more, there will be a sea made of oil and asphalt. The planet's surface is filled with bubbles that emit methane gas. The rain was in the form of oil and asphalt. Humans clearly not advisable to go there.
2. Neptune
Neptune in strong winds along the surface of the planet with terrifying speed. The wind flow blowing clouds of frozen northern hemisphere planet heading to the Great Dark Spot, a point where there is a storm on the spot about the size of Earth.
Clear picture of the wind in excess of what can be accepted by humans. If anyone has successfully landed on the planet can be sure he will be torn apart by wild wind speed super.
3. 51 Pegasi B
The planet is also given the nickname Bellerophon, taken from the name of the Greek hero who managed to tame the horse Pegasus. This planet has a mass 150 times larger than Earth and the planet is composed of hydrogen and helium.
The most terrible thing of this planet is the fact that the planet's surface temperature reaches 1000 degrees celscius. Because the location of the source of countless Bellerophon light closer than the distance of Earth to the Sun. This extreme hot temperatures also lead to a hot wind with a speed of 1000 km / h. The extreme temperatures also resulted in the absence of water on the planet's surface. Instead of water, it can be up to vaporize iron, steam iron on iron and eventually form clouds when clouds iron load is too much, then there will be rain hot iron ore.
4. COROT-exo 3B
COROT-exo-3b is a planet outside the solar system known as the largest and most populous. Same size as the planet Jupiter, but its mass is 20 times more dense. With such a large mass of the planet, of course it has an impact on the planet's gravity. With a mass 20 times greater, a man who walked on the surface of a weight 50 times heavier than when walking on Earth. This immediately makes the human skeleton crumbled from within in a matter of minutes. It feels like an elephant crushed right in your chest.
5. Mars
On the red planet, dust storms can arise suddenly and envelop the whole planet for days. Hurricanes are categorized as the largest and most severe storm in the solar system. High storm alone could reach Mount Everest with high wind speeds reaching 300 kilometers per hour.
6. WASP-12b
WASP-12 b is the hottest planet ever discovered scientists to date. The planet's surface temperature to 2200 degrees Celsius just because its orbit is very close to that of light it. The calculated orbit closest among all the known planets. Any objects (including humans) will immediately burn time of entry into the atmosphere. For comparison, the surface temperature of the planet's temperature lava twice and a half times the temperature of the Sun.
7. Jupiter
Jupiter atmospheric storm magnitude produces twice the size of our Earth. The giant planet creates super strong head wind speeds of 400 miles per hour and grabbed a giant lightning and a hundred times more luminous than that created in the earth. Once a bolt of lightning, the light can make a blind man. Below this there is a terrible storm mighty ocean deep as 40,233 kilometers that the composition is a liquid metal hydrogen. On Earth, hydrogen is a colorless substance and transparent, but at the core of Jupiter, hydrogen intangibles that we will probably never encounter on Earth.
8. Pluto
Note: Pluto is now can not be categorized as a planet.
Do not be fooled by the picture above because the image is not the land of snow. Pluto is very cold temperate environments because its atmosphere is composed of liquid nitrogen, carbon monoxide, and methane gas blanketing its surface like snow. Only on the bright weather, the temperature only reaches Pluto -228 to -238 degrees Celsius. Clear body froze.
9. CoRoT-7b
Heat emitted by stars that illuminate this planet so hot until I can make stone sublimate and evaporate. If the picture is still not convinced that this planet is terrible, there is other evidence that would startle. Planetary orbits are not perfect makes this planet cartilage rubbing against its twin planet. When friction occurs, the surface of the planet will heat up extraordinary.
10. Venus
Venus may look beautiful on Earth, but it turns out the planet truly malignant conditions for human settlements. Venus is known as the most terrible planet in the solar system. The air can make human poisoning. Air pressure there can be up to 100 times larger than the earth. And another thing, the temperature there was 475 degrees Celsius coupled with little rain sulfate bladder origin you.
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