Wednesday, 31 July 2013

4 Types Unsuitable People Become Entrepreneurs

Want to work alone or open a business?

Although entrepreneurship has many perks, such as free does not have a boss and work on the areas that you like, there are some people who feel better working for someone else. The following characteristics:

1 People who do not like taking risks.
Entrepreneurship has risks that can be controlled by making calculations mature, but of course there is always the danger of failure. Fear of failure can damage the new venture. "People who are afraid to take risks will be paralyzed by the pressure of daily news about what is needed to develop a business," said Scott Gerber, founder of the Young Entrepreneur Council.

2. People who love the lifestyle.
The smart small business owners know that the cost savings may be needed, especially at the beginning of the business. "Time, money, and resources should be tailored to your lifestyle and business," said Gerber. Examples of reduced income can be adjusted by moving into a smaller apartment, delaying having children or something as simple as cooking your own meals rather than eating out. If you do not want to give sacrifices, entrepreneurship will cause a lot of trouble.
3. People who need a paycheck every two weeks.
People who are unable to live without income certainly may not develop as entrepreneurs. "It may take many months to get your first paycheck," and that's if you're lucky, Gerber said. And even if you actually get a paycheck, the paycheck will come in large numbers. "You can get your annual income in two months and had to use the salary disbursement to maintain monthly needs.

4. People who enjoy being ordered.
Some great employee is not suitable to be an entrepreneur. One prime example is the people who can carry others with perfect vision, but could not realize his own ideas. "Even the founders of the introvert should be able to set the direction of the company, developing strategies and delegating responsibilities to employees or contractors," said Gerber.

Do you belong to one of four types of the above?

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